In memory of Kader Ortakaya — Kader Ortakaya unutulmayacak

In memory of Kader Ortakaya — Kader Ortakaya unutulmayacak

Friday, May 27, 2016

Political assaults against Kurds and their allies

Having not yet broken the resistance, the AKP and the Turkish state continue their genocidal operations against the Kurdish people and their allies. At least 15 people have been arrested in Amed (Diyarbakır), Muş, and İzmir. One man was arrested in Denizli for aiding a wounded activist.


Home raids were conducted in Amed's Lice district earlier this morning. HDP representative Osman Ağın and an individual named Hulki Akman were arrested during these raids. It has been learned that both Ağın and Akman were taken to police headquarters and will be transferred to provincial headquarters.

Amed Metropolitan Vice Secretary, General Hüseyin Bayrak was also detained during a home raid in the district of Kaypınar. Bayrak was also taken to provincial headquarters. There are currently reports that the number of raids will increase.

The former mayor of Batman was arrested by the police in Silvan after attending a court hearing in Amed. Kalkan was arrested before during the "KCK Operation" in 2009 and served a long prison sentence.


DBP Muş General Assembly membesr Alparslan Kardan and Halil Görcü were arrested yesterday evening in the Malazgirit distrcit of Muş. They were taken to police headquarters nearby.


A student at Pamukkale University, Mervan Çaçan was arrested and taken to court following a warrant released for his detainment. The court issued a warrant for helping wounded activists in Nusaybin.


Several homes were raided during the early morning hours in İzmir's Konak, Karışyaka, Menemen and Bayraklı distrcits. Members of the United Revolutionary Party Nurhak Sabur, Yakup İşkar, Mustafa Kanar, Sadık Güney Akbaş, Roni Gören, Alper Yanar, Hazal Dallar, Mert Peköz, and İnan Sever were all arrested during these raids.

Those activists arrested were taken to the police headquarters of İzmir.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

ISIS is not allowing any escape for the citizens of Raqqa

Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have progressed further into the norther part of Raqqa causing panic among many ISIS gangs fleeing the city. The gangs that are remaining on the other side of the city are not allowing citizens to escape.

For the past three days, the SDF have been continuing operations purging Raqqa of ISIS gangs. The SDF has made public that its assaults have all gone according to plan thus far.

In line with information provided by a statement from the SDF, many families escaping together from ISIS control in the city center have relocated to a hamlet just south of Raqqa.

According to information transmitted from the area, SDF efforts are inflicting heavy blows against ISIS gangs which are using citizens as shields attempting to escape the city.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

US announces its support for the Syrian Democratic Forces in their operation against Raqqa

United States Central Command (CENTCOM) has announced in a written statement that it will continue to support the Syrian Democratic Forces with their operation in Raqqa.

The statement from CENTCOM noted that "we will continue to support covert operations conducted by the Syrian Democratic Forces against Raqqa, as we have in the past."

US State Department spokesperson, Mark Toner, was also present at a daily press conference evaluating the operations in Raqqa.

Stating that they will cooperate in an agreement for the implementation of the cessation of hostilities in Syria Toner said that "we will continue to support the Syrian Democratic Forces in their recovery of the city of Raqqa from ISIS."

"We have two priorities in Syria. First, the elimination of ISIS. We have established a coalition under the leadership of 66 countries for this purpose. We support the Syrian Democratic Forces against ISIS in this endeavor, as we support the Iraqi military for the same purposes."

"Our other priority is the ongoing civil war in Syria. We believe that it will take a political solution and we are working to implement an agreement with all countries involved in the conflict, including Russia."

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Hêlin Öncü finally taken to hospital after ECHR decision

During the early morning hours, the unarmed 20 year old Kurdish university student Hêlin Öncü was shot and wounded by Turkish military and security forces during a martial law that has been enforced for the last 34 days. Three other local Kurdish women have gone missing in the attempts to locate her. Security forces blocked off the neighborhood of Cudi, preventing anyone, including the wounded Öncü, from coming in our out.

As news spread an association of lawyers sent an appeal to the European Court of Human Rights in order to force the Turkish government to allow the wounded Öncü passage to a local hospital in order to be treated.

A lawyer with the Association of Lawyers for Freedom (ÖHD), Ramazan Demir made the appeal to the ECHR.

The appeal was granted today, the same day, and permission given to Öncü who was waiting with her life to be treated. She was finally sent to the Cizre State Hospital where she remains in critical condition.