In memory of Kader Ortakaya — Kader Ortakaya unutulmayacak

In memory of Kader Ortakaya — Kader Ortakaya unutulmayacak

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Assassination attempt on the life of Selahattin Dermitaş

HDP (Peoples' Democratic Party) co-chair Selahattin Demirtaş was targeted by an assassination attempt while travelling in his official car in the town of Amed in southeastern Turkey.

Speaking to Fırat News Agency, Demirtaş reported a bullet hole on the rear window of his bulletproof car. HDP co-chair said that a graze on his neck from the bullet, or shards of glass, was noticed by his guards after exiting the car, while no one heard a gunshot.
Demirtaş said his official car has been taken to the forensics lab of the police department for analysis, adding that no bullet was found.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Cemil Bayık: Turkey's policy in Northern Syria and Iraq is 'dangerous for the whole world'

The KCK Executive Council Co-President Cemil Bayık stated that the AKP government blackmails the whole world by legitimizing and promoting ISIS.

Calling the world's attention to the successful battle of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) led by People's and Women's Protection Units (YPG/YPJ) against Daesh, Bayık emphasised that, "the SDF is capable of pushing Daesh forces out of Jarablus within a short period time. They can take Raqqa as well if Turkey were not siding with Daesh. International powers should remove this obstacle of Turkey.”

Bayık made significant evaluations in his column on Azadiya Welat and Yeni Özgür Politika dailies, in which he wrote about eliminating Turkey's barrier in the fight against ISIS, a pro-ISIS mindset has been growing in Turkish society and the Turkish state's military and political attacks against the people of Kurdistan.

Bayık wrote the following statement under the title 'AKP blackmails the world.'

"Just like what happened during the Turkish national team's previous soccer match in Konya, another national soccer game in Istanbul has witnessed a protest of massacred people. Victims of the Paris attacks were booed and the minute of silence was turned into a public expression of respect for the suicide bombers. This is what's become of Turkey today. These cases have clearly manifested an identity of the mindsets between the AKP and Daesh.

The AKP has turned Turkey into a country where massacre is celebrated

Has anyone ever seen a community that celebrates the death of civilians so much? The AKP government has turned Turkey into a country where the massacre of civilians is welcomed with joy. Nothing could be so terrifying as leading a society to a point like this. The praise of murderers and protest of victims in Konya and Istanbul did not happen for no reason. This is a situation created by the AKP government. Aside from the political and financial support, Daesh also receives a great amount of moral support from Turkey. From this point of view, it's delusional to assume that Turkey will fight against Daesh. Those from the same mindset do not fight each other, but only strengthen each other.

Turkey's policies are dangerous for the whole world

The massacre in Paris has proven that Turkey pursues a policy danger for the whole world, in addition to the Kurds and the Middle East. Just like the Ankara massacre which was perpetrated in collaboration with AKP, the Paris massacre was also a consequence of the policies pursued by Turkey. Whoever ignores this truth cannot wage a straight fight against Daesh. It is not possible to get rid of Daesh without eliminating AKP policies. Daesh suffers heavy military blows one after another in the hands of the Kurdish people's freedom forces, but it survives because of policies of the AKP government which blackmails the whole world in an unprecedented manner as a political power.

The AKP legitimizes and promotes Daesh

Erdoğan and the AKP always argue that "terror cannot have a religion or identity." Of course, it would be wrong to compare Daesh with Islam. Even, Daesh is the anti-Islam that defames the religion and is an enemy to it. This is true. Yet, there is another reality that Daesh emerged from inside the Islamic community and geography. This has social and historical factors as well, but it is politically important to see the factors that nurtured and strengthened Daesh. It is a wrong approach to treat the problem on the basis of historical and cultural factors alone. Such an approach would mean legitimizing Daesh's inhumanity which is an enemy to humankind. This is what is done by the pro-AKP media which not only legitimizes but also promotes Daesh.

Political support is the very first point that needs to be eliminated in order to force Daesh to draw back. Otherwise, social and cultural measures might be taken as a result. In this regard, it is totally necessary that Turkey ends its support for Daesh, which consequently requires taking a stance against the policies of the AKP. Unless Turkey takes an anti-Daesh stance, it will be impossible for the rest of the world to fight it.

In the fight against Daesh, it is of primary importance to fight on the ground. Viewed from that point, the anti-Daesh battle of YPG/YPJ and the SDF is a dignified one. If ISIS is to be defeated, it is these internationally popular forces that will do it. Otherwise, it will not be possible to accomplish a lasting result in an event where external military forces take over the battlefield.

Daesh is in a process of defeat

ISIS has entered a process of defeat, as long as no wrong policy is pursued in this regard. The SDF and YPG/YPG forces have the capability to defeat Daesh. They can push Daesh out of Jarablus within a short time, as well as in Raqqa unless Turkey continues to support the other side.

Kurds, Arabs, Syriacs, Armenians, youths, women, and other communities across Syria can easily clear their territory of Daesh and Al-Nusra. Once the obstacle of Turkey is eliminated, it will mean Daesh has come to an end. This reality needs to be known by the whole world. If international powers want to defeat Daesh, they should first stop Turkey from being an obstacle in this struggle.

Turkey wants the Kurdish Democratic Party (KDP-Iraq) to confront the PKK

Turkey is constantly pursuing the defeat of forces fighting Daesh. It wants to make the KDP confront PKK now. This is why Feridun Sinirlioğlu (Turkish Foreign Minister) was quickly sent to Erbil soon after the November elections.

Turkey wants the KDP and PKK to engage in conflict with each other in Sinjar, intending to create such a conflict over Rojava as well. In this way, it is planning to weaken the forces fighting Daesh and thus strengthen its own position. In light of these facts, that HPG/YJA Star and YPG/YPJ are putting up the most effective fight against Daesh, and now Turkey wants to make KDP a wedge between these Kurdish forces.

The states subjecting Kurds to cultural genocide and exploitation have always created these types of conflicts and divisions among the Kurdish people. However, Kurds have become self-aware and have learned their history very well these days. This is why these traps of the Turkish state will be defeated this time."

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Who profits from the migrant crisis? Fear.

The slogan for numerous electoral or political campaigns in Europe might be “Immigration and the whipping up of fears around it, that will nail some votes.” And so these recent electoral victories form part of the development of an instrumental propaganda of fear. 

By Bertold du Ryon
Translation by Tom Gagné

It can be seen in Poland on Sunday two weeks ago, where the nationalist party of the conservative and sovereigntist right PIS (Law and Justice Party) has won parliamentary elections. Coming in at about 38% of the vote, the party will rule with its future Prime Minister Beate Szydlo.

A hateful madness

Aside from some skepticism around “Europe”, the PIS has focused specifically on the fear of migrants during its last electoral campaign. Even though the European Commission has attempted to limit the number of migrants entering Poland with its current distribution plan of 160,000 refugees among the 28 EU countries, PIS party leader Jaroslaw Kaczynski has not hesitated in presenting migrants and refugees as disease carriers and a “health risk.”

Accusing the outgoing government, supported by the liberal party Civic Platform (PO), of having secretly promised Brussels to accept “100,000 Muslims”—an outright lie—Kaczynski predicted that Poland would see “the destruction of its churches, the introduction of sharia law, and the obligation to adopt Islam and terrorism.” The line between political agitation and delirious hate has been crossed. He added to these alleged threats against the good blonde people that “cholera has been raging on the Greek Islands” along with “dysentery in Vienna.” So far, any mention of the plague has been missing in this repertoire of the party leader who will now (again) be directing Poland.

In another setting and different economic situation, but with the same patterns of rhetoric, the Swiss People’s Party (SV)—misnamed in French as the Democratic Union of the Center—was the main winner of the Swiss parliamentary elections earlier in October. Now with 29.5% of the vote between both sides of the French and German borders, the right and the far right saw its best results since 2007 when they achieved 28.9% of the vote. “The theme dominating this campaign is really unfortunate; people were guided by fear,” commented Socialist candidate, Rebecca Ruiz, in reference to the debate on refugees.

Polarization in the streets

Among other German speaking countries, both Germany and Austria are contributing to an unquestionable polarization. Even if the Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ) totaled 30.8% at the ballot in regional elections on October 11 in the Austrian capital, its victory was nevertheless refuted with social democracy gaining the majority at 39.6%. The FPÖ took less than their projected outcome of 35%. This is related to an active awakening from the parts of society that refuse to totally mire themselves in racism. And so 60,000 people took to the streets in solidarity with migrants on October 3 in Vienna.

In Germany, polarization occurs most especially in the streets. Behind racist slogans, almost 20,000 people demonstrated on October 20 in Dresden for the first anniversary of the launch of Pegida (Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamification of the Occident), and even 10,000 demonstrators on October 27. On the other side of the street, thousands of participants took part in a counter demonstration of the first event and 1,300 during the second one.

Having more popularity in the former East Germany and especially in Saxony, the anti-immigration movement has still struggled to gain a foothold in the major cities of West Germany. On Octboer 25, an event called for by the “Hooligans Against Salafism” (Hogesa) and supported by Pegida and the extremist right party Pro-NRW (Popular Movement for North Rhine-Westphalia) gathered together 1,000 demonstrators with 10,000 counter-demonstrators. There were 24 people injured, including 12 police officers. It was exactly a year ago that the “anti-Islamification” movement Hogesa managed to bring a surprising number of 4,500 people. The police and the 800 counter-demonstrators were totally overwhelmed. Hogesa didn’t know how to stabilize a movement for the long haul, while its opponents were much better prepared this year.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Dermitaş: "they are trying to make an enemy of HDP everywhere."

HDP co-charmain Dermirtaş stated, "They will obstinately and incessantly try to provoke us. We should never pay attention to this. They are trying to make enemies out of HDP everywhere, and we shouldn't speak with the same language."

Co-chairman of the People's Democratic Party (HDP), Selahattin Demirtaş, spoke at their party's meeting in Kırşehir.

The opening lines of the speech by Demirtaş began:

Attacks on HDP

"As they continue their campaign of lies, slander and every type of provocation in order to leave our party under the electoral threshold, their palaces will be shaken, their caliphate and sultanate that they've established will wither away, and the parties in power who cannot accept this will wither away."

"It is my request from you—who carry out the work of HDP in Kırşehir, who give their hearts to HDP, who vote for HDP, and my brothers and sisters who are thinking of voting. There has never existed a concept of an enemy party for us. Whichever party you vote for, vote—that's how we'll approach it. They will incessantly try to provoke us. Never pay attention to these provocations. These attacks are trying to make HDP an enemy everywhere. But we shouldn't speak with the same language."

"If we all speak with the same language, unfortunately their language—let alone with the President's or the Prime Minister's language—God forbid, this place turns into Syria. These attacks will turn Turkey into Syria. We shall not fall into the provocative, ugly and slanderous trap of these attacks. We shall approach this election campaign patiently and peacefully. We shall win while believing in our inner strength and faith."

"It is necessary for democracy, not a one-man system, not to independence, or to the country's dictatorship. The stamp (mühür—reference to the stamp used in political elections in Turkey) which will determine the future of your children and your grandchildren is the stamp in your hands. Do not say 'What does it change?' It changes much. For 5 years, from election to election, that stamp's true usefulness is a lesson to those of you who remember. That is the seal of Solomon." (Turkish proverb meaning 'the buck stops here'.)

"Everyone wants to live in the hometown of Hacı Bektaş and Neşet Ertaş, the center of Ahilik culture (a type of old Ottoman apprenticeship in artwork). Of course each resident of Kırşehir wants to live here in the memories of the village. We know this, but hunger, poverty and being forced aboard—this is not the fate of the residents of Kırşehir, it is a conscious policy."

"Prepare for the lack of agriculture here, which is what they want. Abandon your village. Wait in the unemployment line in the factories of the big cities. Because, if there is an army of unemployed outside, workers on the inside are cheap; it is easy to be worked like a slave."

"On June 8, all of us will be together in a great air of celebration as we will face this day with great enthusiasm. Turkey is not a poor country, but income distribution is an injustice; the way it is distributed where millions of people who have become poor live."

"Unfortunately, they have created this wealth on top of this army of the poor. We will take less tax from you, the ones who work with sweat. Right now, the exact opposite is being done. It it those who give the least amount of tax, those who earn much in the rooms full of money, on the stock market, in the banks. You, those who work and produce with sweat, are paying 70% in taxes. For starters, we need to provide justice in tax distribution.

Contract labor should be abolished

"It is necessary to abolish all contract labor. Contract labor is something that shall not remain if there is power in the people's support of HDP. Everyone will be permanent. Everyone will work in security. The boss will be against the cost of this. The bosses' earnings are not as precious as your lives. We need to construct a government, a society which puts the human being at its center."


Saturday, January 31, 2015

Clashes in Kirkuk

42 gang members killed in Kirkuk
Firat News Agency, Jan. 30 2015

On the evening of Jan. 29 after 10pm, the HPG Command reported that DAIŞ gang members took part in the massacre and occupation directed against the villages of Telwerdê, Meryem Beg, Mekteb Xalid connected to Kirkuk. The HPG and YJA Star guerillas and peshmerga forces organized a joint operation aimed at liberation in the morning. It was reported this operation continued under intense clashes until noon. The HPG Kirkuk Command announced that several areas held by DAIŞ gangs were liberated by resistance forces again taking control. It was reported that clashes were still taking place near Telwerdê.

In a written statement from the HPG Kirkuk Command, it was said, "DAIŞ gang members advanced the attack, massacre and occupation directed against the villages of Telwerdê, Meryem Beg, Mekteb Xalid connected to Kirkuk. Our HPG and YJA Star guerillas and peshmerga forces organized a joint operation directed at the gangs who took control of Telwerdê and Mekteb Xalid. Several of the areas were liberated by our resistance forces who took back control during intense clashes which lasted until noon. Clashes are still continuing near Telwerdê."

The HPG Kirkuk Command reported the following in the statement, which indicated that several powerful gangs struck during intense clashes which continued into the morning around Mekteb Xalid: "Several gang members died. The gangs were broken up around this village and the remaining gangs were forced to flee. Thirty-three gang members bodies were obtained by our forces during these intense clashes. Five gang members'  bodies were carried off by gangs, and 4 bodies remained in the area during a different clash. While just 42 gang members were killed in these clashes, information suggests that the number was much more. Nonetheless, many gangs were wounded."

During the fighting in Mekteb Xalid, 2 BKC rifles, 1 B7 launcher, and 1 Hummer were seized, reported the HPG Kirkuk Command. "During the clashes, only 3 of our guerillas were wounded. Our guerilla forces and peshmerga forces are continuing operations in the region" the statement said.


Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Kobanê is the victory of Kurdish and Turkish revolutionaries

Thousands of people attended a victory celebration in the Suruç village of Mehser on Urfa's border with Kobanê and in Diyabakır (Turkey).

In Diyarbakır, co-chairperson of the Democratic Regions Party (DBP), Karuman Yüksek, said that the victory in Kobanê was a victory for Kurdish and Turkish revolutionaries. DPB co-chairperson in a demonstration organized in Suruç said that they shall crown Öcalan (Abdullah Öcalan, jailed leader of the Kurdistan Worker's Party, PKK) with freedom.

Şimşek, the Diyabakır provincial co-chairperson of the DBP, said that "the victory in Kobanê is a heralding for Öcalan's freedom." Kamuran Yüksek phrased it as "It is a victory that was posed by Kurdish women, youth and Turkish revolutionary comrades from the 4 corners of Turkey."

Asya Abdullah (co-chair of the PYD in Syria), who attended the celebrations by telephone said, "Today this message of victory and resistance in Kobanê was written into the history of humanity. The resistance in Kobanê is the resistance of all our people. Kobanê's success will be Sinjar's (Kurdish city in Iraq currently under attack) success. We hope that in a short time we will actualize this victory in Sinjar."

Kobanê celebration in Suruç

"We thank in the name of all humanity the forces of the PKK, YPJ, YPG, and HPG who are introducing freedom to the Middle East. The days are close when this victory shall crown Öcalan with freedom" said Emine Ayna, while stating that this was a people's victory against fascism.


Saturday, January 24, 2015

Giant, 75 meter flag belonging to TEVDEM raised on top of strategic hill overlooking Kobanê

The YPG killed 24 ISIS members during operations in Kobanê.

The YPJ and YPG stated that 24 ISIS members were killed during operations organized on the southeastern and western fronts in the Rojava canton of Kobanê.

In an operation on the southeastern front of the city, two streets were taken back from ISIS and 22 ISIS fighters were killed.

Two of the organization's members were killed in an operation on the western front around the villages of Al-Telur and Münaze.

The TEVDEM (Movement for a Democratic Society) flag was raised over Miştenur Hill

The YPJ and YPG and are continuing actions within central Kobanê and its surrounding villages.

A vehicle was sabotaged in the village of Siftek, while a vechile belonging to ISIS was destroyed in Susan during the operations conducted.

Two streets which extend to the edges of Miştenur hill were recovered from ISIS by YPJ/YPG forces.

Meanwhile, it was reported on the eastern front that a number of munitions were confiscated and 24 ISIS members were killed in an operation.

A giant 75 meter long TEVDEM flag was raised on a transmitter tower over Miştenur hill, which was liberated by YPJ/YPG forces.


Tuesday, January 20, 2015

A portion of Miştenur Hills under control of Kurdish forces

It was reported that YPG/YPJ forces have taken control another portion Miştenur Hills located on a strategic point, which overlooks the southern and eastern part of Kobanê.

Kurdish forces are continuing actions against ISIS. Yesterday evening, the midnight operation which started at 5pm continued until 2am.

According to Hawar News Agency (ANHA), a number of ISIS members were killed in the operations against ISIS in several spots, especially Miştenur Hills. Several points were seized.

It was reported that YPG/YPJ forces have taken control another portion Miştenur Hills located on a strategic point, which overlooks the southern and eastern part of Kobanê.

Monday, January 19, 2015

YPG: Miştenur Hills cleaned out

The YPG stated that they have cleaned Miştenur Hills of ISIS. It was reported that 40 ISIS members were killed in the clashes.

The YPG (People's Protection Units) has made a statement regarding the clashes which occurred last night. The statement reported that Miştenur Hills have been taken under control and at least 40 ISIS members have been killed in the clashes.

According to a written statement by the YPG Press Center:

"Our forces, who have taken back 70% of the center, organized a strategic and well-rounded blow to the gangs last night with the intent to liberate Miştenur Hills. Intense and violent clashes occurred last night, along with the support of coalition jet fighters.

Our forces liberated the area following the the clashes. All of the gangs preventative attempts have been repelled and our YPG/YPJ fighters have provided full support in the foothills of Miştenur. More than 40 ISIS members idtenfied were killed in the clashes which lasted until the morning hours. There were no losses that occurred within our forces.

Our forces recovered one 12.5 caliber DShK rifle with 150 rounds, 3 BKC machine guns with 5000 rounds, 8 Kalashnikov rifles with 21 magazine and 3700 rounds, one B7 rocket launcher and 7 missles, 16 hand grenades, two hand-made mines, 4 military bags, 11 explosive vests, and one set of binoculars.

Our forces simultaneously took aim at the gang's groups near the Hospital on the southern front. Two gang members bodies along with one Kalashnikov, one explosive vest, 6 B7 rocket missiles and 6 hand grenades all belonging to the gang were seized.


Sunday, January 18, 2015

Clashes in Kobanê: 51 ISIS members killed

The YPG reported that ISIS mounted an attack, but the attack was repelled. It reported further that 51 ISIS members were killed.

The YPG Press Center announced that an attack mounted by ISIS members with reinforcements and heavy weaponry was repelled by the YPG (People's Protection Units) and YPJ (Women's Protection Units), while reporting that ISIS members have continued their attack on Kobanê into day 123.

The information given by the YPG Press Center is as follows:

An attack was launched by ISIS after the explosion of a car bomb on the southern front around 8:00 yesterday morning. The simultaneous attack was stopped by the YPG. ISIS was repelled following clashes which lasted the entire day and night.

One hummer and one other military vehicles were destroyed in the clashes. Two tanks belonging to ISIS were destroyed as a result of coalition airstrikes.

51 ISIS members identified were killed in the clashes.

Seven Kalashnikov rifles, 22 magazines, and 1000 rounds of ammunition, 1 B7 rocket launcher and 7 B7 rockets, 10 hand grenades, 2 devices and a number of medicines belonging to ISIS were all seized.

In the statement, it was announced that 7 YPG fighters lost their lives.


Friday, January 16, 2015

Violent clashes in Kobanê: 8 YPG fighters have lost their lives

Violent clashes are occurring between the YPG and ISIS in Kobanê. In a statement produced by the YPG Press Center related to the attacks occurring in the past 24 hours, it was reported that 8 YPG fighters have lost their lives. ISIS members are attacking from 3 sides in Kobanê, which has been under attack for 123 days.

According to the YPG (People's Protection Units) Press Center, it is being reported that multiple clashes started in the area following an explosion in a car bomb attack organized by ISIS yesterday afternoon (Jan. 15).

"Our YPG/YPJ forces are resisting the gang's attacks with great willpower" it was reported in the statement.

It was expressed that ISIS made a suicide attack with a bomb-laden car during attacks from three sides today.

It was reported that 8 YPG/YPJ fighters lost their lives in clashes since yesterday, it was not clarified if ISIS suffered casualties.

ISIS members are organizing attacks from 3 sides with reinforcements and weapons in Kobanê, which has been under attack for 123 days.


Thursday, January 15, 2015

The YPG and YPJ take back control of 4 streets in Kobanê

Four of Kobanê's streets have been liberated and cleaned of gangs, according to a statement from the YPG Press Center.

Daesh (ISIS) gangs continued to launch attacks with the intent to occupy Kobanê, the written statement said, as attacks continued into day 122.

The YPG Press Center indicated that the YPG (People's Protection Units) and YPJ (Women's Protection Units) fighters' operation against the groups of gangs continued at full speed: "Last night our forces organized an operation in the area between the city's southern tip and 48th St. Our forces have struck an important blow to the gangs in the area from Miştenur hills to 48th St. Our fighters liberated and cleared out 4 more streets occupied by the gangs.

Fourteen gang members identified were killed as a result of the operation. Five handmade mines, 19 hand grenades, 2 B7 rocket launchers and 6 B7 rocket launcher missiles, one BKC rifle and 500 BKC rounds, 10 Kalishnikov rifles, 47 magazine and 100 rounds, along with 8 bodies belonging to Daesh gangs were recovred. One tank and one Panzer vehicle were also seized by our forces in the preceding clashes.


Wednesday, January 14, 2015

ISIS attacks have been broken on Kobanê's three fronts

The resistance against ISIS attacks continues into day 122. On the city's three fronts, ISIS attacks have been broken by YPG and Peshmerga forces.

The YPG (People's Protection Units) and Peshmerga (Iraqi Kurdish military) have reported that ISIS attacks directed at the Rojava canton of Kobanê have been broken.

ISIS prepared attacks on a village where a power plant is located on Aleppo Road in the southern front, on the southeastern front of Miştenur hills, and on Dibistana Reş located on the eastern front.

ISIS was beaten back by the Peshmerga, YPG and YPJ (Women's Protection Units) forces who responded to the attacks.

It was reported that a total of 14 ISIS members were killed in clashes during the morning and the clashes which continued until midnight.

It was reported in the statement by the YPG that 5 YPG/YPJ lives were lost.

Sporadic clashes continued until the morning hours in the region.


Sunday, January 11, 2015

28 ISIS members killed during clashes in Kobanê

ISIS continued to attack Kobanê bringing in reinforcements from Til Abyad 45 milometres east of the city.

The Peshmerga (Iraqi Kurdish military units), the People's Protection Units and Women's Protection Units organized an attack on one more point belonging to ISIS in the Mişentur neighborhood, which is of strategic importance and located in the southeastern part of the city.

One more point was cleansed from ISIS in attacks which lasted until morning hours. It was announced that 25 ISIS members were killed and a number of munitions were confiscated. One short-lived attack occurred around Dibistana Reş also in the eastern part of the city.

According to YPG Kobanê spokesperson, Şoreş Hesen, who spoke with BasNews, Kurdish forces have imposed a blockade for a few days in Xwendingeha Reş. It was in attacks here that 3 ISIS members were reported to be killed in ISIS second inconclusive attack.

Meanwhile an explosion occurred in Afrin (one of the three canton's of Rojava, Western Kurdistan). Three YPG fighters were killed in a car bomb attack along with three civilians in the village of Kitme. Three people were also wounded.


Thursday, January 8, 2015

Latest conditions in Kobanê

9 gang members were killed in clashes that occurred in Kobanê between Daesh gangs and YPG/YPJ fighters.

The YPG Press Center stated "minor attacks have occurred between groups of gangs and our  YPG/YPJ fighters on day 114 of the resistance," reporting that Daesh gangs have continued to launch attacks in the attempts of occupying Kobanê.

The YPG reported on the results of the attacks which occurred within the last 24 hours:

"Brief clashes have occurred with our forces and those of groups of gangs in the foothills of Mişentur on the southeastern front last night. In the clashes that occurred in two separate points, 7 gang members identified were killed.

On the northeastern front of Kaniya Kurda, our forces organized an attack directed the gang's groups. 2 members identified were killed.

A vehicle was destroyed in Haseke

The Press Center also expressed that an action was organized by YPG/YPJ forces directed at a gang preparing to attack the village of Tiwêna, reporting that, "one vehicle belonging to the gang was destroyed along with the gang members inside of it. The number of dead and wounded gang members could not be identified."


Tuesday, January 6, 2015

The YPG/YPJ now controls 80% of Kobanê

The Syrian Observatory of Human Rights announced that the YPG has seized one more important region in Kobanê and that 80% of the city is under their control.

Centered in London, the Syrian Observatory of Human Rights announced that 80% of Kobanê is under YPG control.

According to the Observatory, the YPG (People's Protection Units) has gained control of an region of the city located in the police center.

Kobanê Foreign Minister Idris Nassan, validating the information, said that ISIS still holds on to the neighborhoods of Maktala and Kanî Kurdân located in the east.

"I believe the YPG will take control of the entire city within a few days. The air strikes have intensified and accelerated our progress" said Nassan.

The US has announced that it carried out 8 air strikes on Sunday killing 11 ISIS members.

Since Sept. 15, YPG and YPJ (Women's Protection Units) forces have been continuing to make progress against ISIS in Kobanê.

It was reported that since last night, a number of ISIS members were killed in an operation begun by the YPG/YPJ. It was also reported that 1 mortar battery, 2 vehicles and 1 tank belonging to ISIS were destroyed.


Thursday, January 1, 2015

Three streets and strategic water depot area taken back

Three streets were taken back from ISIS in the two remaining areas along with the Water Depot, in Dibistana Reş, located in the southeastern part of Kobanê.

The YPG/YPJ (People's Protection Units and Women's Protection Units) announced today that Mekteba Reş and the water depot were liberated in actions against ISIS.

In a statement made by the YPG Press Center, "last night our forces organized an attack on the strategic Mekteba Reş and 48 St. located in the southern region in order to recover the Water Depot. The operation lasted until the first hours of the New Year, starting yesterday afternoon around 3pm. As a result of the operation, Mekteba Reş and the Water Depot were cleansed and liberated from gangs."

The YPG stated that a large number of munitions was seized and 24 ISIS gang members were killed resulting from the clashes.

It was also stated that three YPG/YPJ members lost their lives in the ensuing clashes.
